Verena Hat BSc

I spent my school years first in Gföhl, then in the technical school Schloss Ottenschlag (focus on tourism) and finally in the advanced course for economic professions in St. Pölten (focus on nutrition, gastronomy and hotel business), which I completed in 2015 with the Matura.

Dietetics training

I seamlessly followed the 3-year dietology studies at the FH in St. Pölten. In the course of my numerous training internships, I was already able to gain valuable experience and acquire practical skills (provincial hospitals Krems, Zwettl and Horn, Seniorenzentrum Liese Prokop Stadt Haag, Lebens.Resort Ottenschlag, Univ. Clinic for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine Vienna, Ernährungscoaching Tirol - freelance dietician Karin Ratschiller, camp for overweight children & adolescents in Spital am Pyhrn, camp for children with diabetes in St. Gilgen). In July 2018, I successfully completed my studies with a Bachelor of Science in Health Studies. Since September 2018 I am now supporting the team of Nuhr Medical Center and also working as an independent dietician in a group practice.

Additional training

In order to constantly expand my knowledge, I continuously attend congresses, conferences as well as seminars. In April of this year, I completed additional training to become a sports nutrition coach.